Thursday, August 03, 2006

World of S11 Interview

S11 is the latest Singapore movie to make its general release, under the Picturehouse Exclusive banner. You can either click here for my review of S11, or read the collaborative review that Richard and I did for movieXclusive by clicking on the logo below

We had the opportunity to interview both directors of S11, Gilbert Chan and Joshua Chiang over the weekend, and they shared with us plenty of anecdotes on the production of their debut feature film.

Joshua and Gilbert

And as always, there's always the classic "Richard Moment" where he mixed up the two names. Anyway it's the 2nd time we're meeting them, after a very brief less-than-a-minute quick introduction when we were at the press screening. So I suppose something like this was bound to happen (to Richard no less :P)

You can read the proceedings from the interview, now up at movieXclusive by clicking on the picture below:

Click to read what we're discussing!

Oh, and special mention and thanks to Annie, who helped hooked us up with the directors for this interview, and for providing the pictures you see in this entry. Here's one for the album!

Back Row LtoR: Me, Richard
Front Row: LtoR: Joshua, Gilbert, Annie

As for the pictures by our official photographer Lokman, you gotta head on down to the movieXclusive article to see his handiwork in designing the entire page.

S11 opens at the Picturehouse today!

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