fret not, as you can get to watch the proceedings of the launch that was held at Books Actually on Tuesday 10th May 2011. Normally I'd make it a point to attend these events, but the last 2 weeks have been insane with General Elections fever and a mounting day job workload.
Thankfully we can all still sit through the session with filmmakers Eva Tang, Royston Tan and Victric Thng in attendance, as captured in these snippets from the launch (by someone else, of course!)
Part 1 of 3
Part 2 of 3
Part 3 of 3
According to Royston on the Old Places Facebook group, 700+ DVDs have already been sold. With 1000 copies in print, you do not need to be told to head on down to these few shops that carry it - Books Actually, Kinokuniya and Objectifs - to get your own copy of a film that archives the places once seen, will soon be long gone, but will always be fondly remembered because of this filmic effort, which will be spawning a follow up really soon.
Books Actually also took photos from behind their counter, and have put it online on their blog entry here. SINdie also covered the the first launch of the Old Places DVD at Kinokuniya on 7th May 2011.
You can read my review of the film here.
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