Watching the movie again this weekend was indeed a great stress reliever, and goes to show that some of the jokes here have withstood the test of time, or at least I still enjoyed them after some 6 years later. Being a first film, the production values are a bit raw, though there are plenty of insanely memorable moments that still crack me up, so much so I can now rewind and replay those specific scenes to my heart's contend.
Being a lazy bugger, you can read my earlier review of the movie here.
The Region Free DVD is presented unfortunately in Letterbox format, and visuals are less than pristine, but still acceptable. After all, this is a re-release version, given that the the original release had been sold out! No audio selection available, but there isn't any obvious hiss and cackles. Subtitles are available in Good English ("Lunchbox" and "Cheese bun" anyone? Ha!) and Mandarin, just in case you can't understand Singlish - but that's where the fun is!
Kelvin Tong's Rule #1 Trailer autoplays when the DVD is popped into the player, but thankfully can be skipped. Scene selection is available over 8 chapters, and each time you switch between the menu options, you can hear the cock's cockadoodledoo. See if you'll go nuts by clicking in between menu options incessantly!
There are some Special Features included in this "Pow-Ka-Leow" Collector's Edition DVD, such as Trailer 1 (1:28) presented in letterbox format, and Trailer 2 (1:48) presented in Anamorphic widescreen, but extremely pixelated visuals. The Behind the Scenes feature (56:13), presented in full frame, is actually a Talk Cock Session with the directors Joyceln Woo and Colin Goh, interviewed by Jan & Yvonne Uhde who wrote Latent Images, a book about Singapore Film. Based on some of the context and discussion, the interview seemed to have been conducted some time back (the era before NC16 and M18 videos are allowed for sale). The filmmakers go through the inspiration for the movie, as well as discuss the mechanics behind certain scenes, how they shared directorial duties, and comparisons on the filmmaking scene here as well as in the US. Definitely a feature you want to sit through to find out a lot more about this movie and the thoughts of the filmmakers! While the swear words are bleeped out conscientiously in the movie, wait till you watch this feature haha! And guess what, there's the audition for actors thrown in as well, and they were told to talk cock, which they do, with some jokes that were genuinely insane! To round up this feature is a musical presentation with a look on set at the making of.
To round up the extra features is the Short Film 3Meals (19:17, in letterbox format) which is written, directed and produced by Woo Yen Yen and Colin Goh. Gorgeously shot and while not exactly having laugh out loud moments, there still are plenty to smile about in the story. And to tell you the truth, I bought the DVD just to watch this short, since I missed it at the 3rd Singapore Short Cuts 2 years ago!
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