Anthony Chen, whose previous short film Ah Ma was the first local short film to have garnered a Special Mention award at last year's 60th Cannes Film Festival, is gunning for another possible award with his new film, Haze (雾), at the Short Film Competition of this year's edition of the Berlinale.
Haze will make its world premiere at the festival, being one of 11 short films chosen from over 1500 submissions from 64 countries, and is in the running for the Golden or Silver Bear awards. The synopsis:
Set during a period when Singapore was shrouded by the haze caused by burning forests in the region, Haze chronicles an innocent love affair between two teenagers when they decide to skip school and idle the day away.
Sounds like it has taken a leaf out of Tsai Ming Liang's I Don't Want To Sleep Alone. I wouldn't know, but here's wishing him luck and let's do the lion's roar! (Someone send me a screener leh!)
Of course for those who can't make it to the Berlinale, not to fret. The Substation's Moving Images programme for this year kicks off with Film Speak, which happens to be part of the Speak Good English campaign. Not to fret cinephiles, despite the tie-up with the campaign, it's still pretty good local movie stuff.
As the website puts it, "For some of us who are familiar with local films, we know that they are a colourful mix of stories in various languages. What is it like making films in Singapore and bringing them to festivals around the world? How would filmmakers discuss their films with an international audience? How about at home in Singapore? Join Associate Filmmakers from The Substation, like Lionel Chok, Kelvin Sng, Kan Lume and Jeremy Sing as they attempt to answer these questions by sharing their films and experiences with us in this special series. "
Film screenings, filmmakers in attendance, Q&As, what more do you want? Mark your calendars every Wednesday to be at The Substation's Theatre from 7-8pm. Next week's session will be by Kan Lume, who will screen his "The Assassin". I tell you, I'll be there!
Click here for the entire schedule!
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