Saturday, December 11, 2004

Blade: Trinity

Originally Posted On: 11th Dec 2004

I admit I haven't watched the first sequel to Blade, but I watched the first, at a time when comic book movies weren't all that popular after Batman and Robin bombed.

However, this film somehow lacks the chic sophisticated feel of the first movie. It does has its moments - good action, cool toys, fabulous chicks, but falls flat somehow, that you've seen it all before, and there's nothing new on offer.

3 things stand out though, not necessarily good:
1. There are a lot of shots of buildings, streets, landscape, in a fast forwarded motion, from day to night.
2. It's great product placement for Apple's Powerbook and iPod. Wonder how much millions it cost for those incredible closeups
3. Lots of creative expletives, in my opinion. Even a reply to the line featured in the trailer ("are you ready to die?") is given the expletive treatment, and the middle finger is one of the first things you'll see too.

The main weakness in the movie is the lack of strong baddies. Drake (the original vampire) has no unique value proposition, except for looking mean, thirst for virgin blood and looks great in his original form with venus fly trap like fangs.

Stay until the end of the credits if you wanna catch a 5 second clip of Blade looking mean and driving his GTO.

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